VoiceScribe (Download)
VoiceScribe™, the transcription half of VoiceWare™, is the new standard in medical transcription work station. When used together with other VoiceWare™ digital transcription equipment, VoiceScribe™ transcriptionists can transcribe work that is dictated into a:
- a dictation machine
- a PC running VoiceDoc®
- a Sony digital handheld recording device
- an Olympus digital handheld recording device
- and a variety of computerized patient record systems (CPRs)
Sound quality is outstanding due to VoiceWare's™ proprietary lossless sound-compression system. The transcriptionist has full foot pedal control of playback, and this system reduces rerecord time, courier time, and the nuisance of handling tapes.
Installation and setup of VoiceScribe™ is accomplished through easy-to-understand, and navigate, interfaces that works with your transcription equipment. The foot pedal for this digital transcription software plugs into a nine-pin serial port. Headphones can be plugged into the sound card or into the speaker jacks on the speakers.
VoiceScribe™ automatically decompresses the voice files. The files are then ready to play via the foot pedal with full control over the speed, pedal sensitivity, rewind and fast forward. The transcriptionist can use any word processing program on a computer, even WP5.1 -- actually, any DOS or Windows word processor. When finished with the transcription, the report is simply sent back to the dictator's computer. The finished report and the actual voice file of the dictation remain together.
Reports may be transcribed in any order and all the reports are readily viewable by report number, subject or file name, date, etc. The reports, while at the transcriptionist's computer, may be proofed with the voice if necessary, and once sent back to the dictator's computer, may also be proofed and edited with the actual voice dictation.
Personal Edition/per seat (requires foot pedal)
Internet enabled; LAN, WAN - Not server capable
Enterprise Edition software for digital dictation and CPR connectivity options
with foot pedal and headset