WAVpedal Software Download
Works with all Windows XP, Vista, Windows7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 PC's
WAVpedal 7 is a simple, easy-to-use interface that allows you to control the playback of WAV, Sony MSV, Sony DVF, BCB/PC Dart, Digital Voice VoicePower, MP3, Olympus DSS, Voice-It SRI, Microsoft Network, Voxware, and Windows Media files on your computer with our foot pedal. The pedal control of voice files allows you to easily type into your word processor while listening to the voice all from your PC. No need for transcription equipment. Installation is flawless and setting up this digital transcription software is quick and easy. The WAVpedal® 7 software is extremely easy to learn. You simply point and click on the sound file from your digital audio recorders you want to play and WAVpedal® will load your word processor automatically and associate your selected file with your word processor file. You are then ready to transcribe or listen to this file and control playback with the foot pedal. The interface allows you to raise the volume of the file, or lower it. Also, you can make it go slower so you can listen to those very fast dictators at a slower rate, and you can make it play faster for QA listening. The foot pedal has rewind and fast forward speeds and is available in Serial port or USB configurations. And, the sound quality is outstanding. WAVpedal® is a 32-bit and 64-bit application.